Friday, October 1, 2021

September 2021 Collectors Club Newsletter; TSC Sayen Update


Oh, you may be asking, “Again? Isn’t this the 4,327th post in two days?” Why yes, it is! Breyer’s September CC newsletter was in my inbox. I will be busy over the next few days, so I may as well blog about it today. Let’s jump right to this issue’s Sneak Peek Square:

A tail, but not just any tail. A tail which stirs excitement. A tail belonging to Susecion, another one of those super popular molds. The pearl luster is obvious, as is the gentle blush of purple and blue…probably a unicorn. Most likely she is from the now yearly unicorn mare and foal set, but I think it would be hilarious if the foal wasn’t Le Fire. That would really send collectors into a blizzard-y fire tornado (a fun new weather event)! Seriously, I don’t believe Breyer would ever do that. If Susecion is accompanied by a foal, it will be Le Fire. 

This issue is Morgan heavy, and it’s nice to see the newsletter concentrating on a breed. There is an article about the history of various Morgan models which have been produced by Breyer over the decades, along with some breed history and information sprinkled in the article. I found this photo and the exclamation point caption from the Morgan article amusing:

The September giveaway model is an Avatar’s Jazzman (a Morgan), and the announcement was made that the Troubadour/Morgan mold will be in the 2022 regular run line. Breyer also gave a brief update on the backordered Lafayettes, which are *somewhere* due to the shipping delays. The shipping delays will also be affecting the release of Astrid (PC second release) as well as other unnamed Fall releases. 

I have been checking the Tractor Supply Company website daily waiting for the rest of their exclusive Breyers to be available so I can order them. As previously mentioned, only Sayen is on the website at the moment. I just checked and Sayen’s photo has been swapped out from the chestnut model to the bay. The chestnut’s photos have been replaced with this:

The bay Sayen, not photoshopped onto a box (unlike the chestnut one). The clear plastic shell has been removed to prevent glare. Unfortunately there isn’t a picture of her freed from the box, but here is a slightly enlarged photo:

*Photos of the Sneak Peek Square and the dual Justin Morgans are from Breyer’s email/newsletter.*

*Photos of the bay Sayen are from the Tractor Supply Company’s website.*

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