Thursday, September 30, 2021

Say What? Say Sayen!


A minor mystery has sprung up regarding Sayen, one of the exclusive Tractor Supply Company models. Sayen is a Mustang on the beloved Indian Pony mold. The first photo appeared in August (it’s quite fuzzy) showing the models on retail shelving. Sayen is unquestionably bay with a white left rear sock. Some collectors now have her in hand, and she is bay as seen in the original photo. On the Tractor Supply Company website, she is not bay, but chestnut. Here is the chestnut Sayen:

Clearly the chestnut photo is a mistake; she is photoshopped onto a box front. I don’t expect any chestnut Sayens to be running loose in the TSC stores, but admittedly it would be fun if they were. The question is, who is she, and will we be seeing her soon? I hope that the chestnut version will be available sometime. 

*Sayen photos are from the Tractor Supply Company website.*


  1. Reports about Sayan are one is a test but are using it as official stock photo, others report that she’s a 50/05 color split. Guess we’ll have to wait and see.

  2. Oh how I wish she would be a 50/50 split! I’d love that. Thanks for commenting!
