Gingerbread Cookie Army:
Their fearful leader, since he has a fancy scarf, buttons, and a lock of hair:
Yes gingerbreads, live in fear…your cookie composition has placed you in peril. The contents of this box have no such trepidation…
Ho, ho, ho, looky what we have here! It’s Breyer’s 2021 Pony for Christmas (2020’s Christmas Pony was Honeybunch). The pony, named Gingerbread, is a rich chestnut on the Bouncer/Welsh Pony mold and comes with a blanket:
Random things that came to my mind after seeing this photo:
-Blanket, or is it supposed to be an ugly sweater? I don’t think the blanket is ugly at all, but it and the pattern on the box are meant to evoke cozy winter sweaters (I don’t wear sweaters since it’s too hot here). Some multicolored pompoms, gaudy bric-a-brac trim, and sequins would fix that blanket up into an ugly sweater quickly!
-The name Gingerbread. I picture a pony gleefully galloping away from the children on Christmas morning singing, “Run, run, as fast as you can, you can’t catch me I’m the Gingerbread Man!” Of course, the rest of the day is spent in tears trying to capture a naughty pony.
-Nat King Cole singing the opening lyrics of “The Christmas Song.” Yep, it has a dual meaning here because Gingerbread is chestnut and horses have chestnuts. “Chestnuts roasting on an open fire, Jack Frost nipping at your nose…” Don’t worry, no chestnut ponies shall be roasted over fires.
Here is Gingerbread once again, without the wintry background. I wish we could see his other side and see him without the blanket:
I don’t really conga Bouncer, but I have a few. I bought this one because I really like that shade of chestnut, plus the blanket reeled me in. I hope Breyer produced an ample supply of Gingerbread so more collectors can get one, as they did with Eek! (the Halloween Classic model).
*Photos of Gingerbread from Breyer’s website.*
*Photos of gingerbread cookies are from the internet.*
*Photo of chestnuts roasting scavenged from the internet.*