Hahaha, more news! Just spied on Breyer’s website a new Classic/Freedom Series Unicorn. The unicorn is on the Malik mold and is called Solar Flare. Solar Flare is described by Breyer as having an “incredibly detailed, shaded golden-orange coat with a wild, fiery golden yellow mane.” He also has a golden sheen, along with golden hooves and horn.
Solar Flare is this year’s exclusive limited edition web unicorn, as Nova was last year’s. I didn’t order Nova as I don’t conga the American Quarter Horse Stallion/Frolicking Stallion mold, but I almost did due to his coloring. He has a pearly coat blushed with rose and gold accents:
Le Mer, Unicorn of the Sea, is currently in Breyer’s line. Breyer decided to offer him in a gift set with a fancy sequined disco mermaid blanket (which can morph from to teal to purple). So now you can purchase Le Mer naked or with a beach coverup:
I ended up ordering both of them, since I still had to order my other Dahlia. I was trying to hold off ordering Dahlia with the hope I could order her with Astrid (PC second release) or with the remaining Vintage Club models. Since Breyer is projecting availability for the end of October for the VC models, and Astrid is a vague ‘very soon,’ I went ahead and ordered Dahlia. Now that means Breyer will probably send out an email saying that Astrid is now available, hahaha.
*All photos are from Breyer’s website.*
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