Wednesday, October 13, 2021

Simplified Unidentified Breyers and the 2022 Vintage Club

Most collectors have heard about some odd Breyer horses which had been spotted on eBay. These horses definitely look to be aimed at children as the primary audience, but the models seem to have appeared out of nowhere. These have not been advertised by Breyer anywhere, which has led to a lot of speculation. Are these fakes? A product line that was scrapped before it even launched? It seems they may be a new line, going by the back of the boxes, which states, “Welcome to the World of Breyer,” and some other advertising stuff. They are Classic/Freedom Series scale, with two molds used. The two molds are split between eight models. Four are horses, and the other four are unicorns. One mold is clearly a weirdo Marebella, and the other weirdo mold I cannot make my mind up on. He sort of looks like a Thoroughbred/Quarter Horse; he reminds me of the Classic Show Thoroughbred, but the head and neck are different. Yeah, I know, that doesn’t make any sense. Moving on then. These toys are not fully encased in boxes as Breyers typically are, but are strapped into the bottom part of the box and have open tops, sort of an updated touchability box. At the moment the different eBay sellers who have these seem to be clustered in the Northeast. However, reports are coming in that these toys are being found at Five Below stores in the Midwest as well. Here are the backs of the boxes:

I wish Breyer would comment on these simplified unidentified models, even if it this was an ill-fated new line. Nosy noses need to know, you know! Speaking of nosy noses, I would love to know the number of Collectors Club members there are. Many people have multiple accounts, including me, but I’d still like a rough number. I’d also like to know the numbers on the Premier and Stablemate Clubs, which are probably larger than most of us suspect. Even with the expansion of 250 additional memberships, the 2022 Vintage Club apparently sold out in under two hours, and a waitlist is available for interested parties. 

*Photos of the simplified unidentified Breyers are from the internet.*

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