Thursday, September 30, 2021

Double Thriller, or a Creature Double Feature


Let’s swing into the Halloween season like a brachiating gibbon, unlike our walking gibbon friend above. We have dual traditional Halloween models to discuss, plus a matching pin! I ended up with two Thrillers this year; he was definitely one I didn’t want to miss out on. I had preordered Halloween horses in the past, and had orders cancelled and refunded. I missed out on last year’s Apparition for this reason. This year, I ordered two Thrillers (from different dealers) just to be safe…with all of the shipping issues, who knew what would happen. I did receive a cancellation email and refund for Thriller from one dealer. I don’t hold a grudge against the dealer; I’ve ordered from them before and have no problem placing future orders with them. I didn’t know if I would get a cancellation email from the other dealer, so when I heard that Thriller was available on Breyer’s website, I bought one. He arrived surprisingly fast from Breyer, and this past Saturday the Thriller purchased from the dealer arrived. Also arriving in a bubble mailer from Breyer was the Thriller pin. I’m usually not big into pins, but I bought both the Thriller and Obsidian pins. I just took a fancy to them. Now onto our Creature Double Feature! Here are the two ghastly ghouls still bound in their boxes. The Thriller box on the left is badly damaged, and although it can’t be seen in the photo, the is a crack in the plastic window box running from the top to the bottom. The model is fine though, as I needed to free a model to be the runway model on the classy grill. Here are the double Thrillers:

If you look carefully, the Thriller pin is at the bottom where the two boxes meet. A closeup:

A photo of the Thriller pin, and BONUS! his visible skeleton and white streaks glow in the dark as demonstrated in the second photo to truly mimic the model:

Here is the Thriller pin glowing. I had to use Breyer’s photo since the photos I took were blobby for whatever reason:

Since one Thriller has been ripped from his box (see what I did there?), let’s appreciate the design of his box. The front of the box, with the Thriller pin clinging onto it:

The back of his box:

And look at the beautiful moon insert:

Time for those runway shots from the grill.

The tattooed tummy:

The height of fashion with a mini-me barrette in the mane:

And from the blooper pile we have this:

Overall, I am impressed with this year’s traditional Halloween horse. He’s got very light elements of gore (partially exposed skeleton), and his pink/green/grey dead flesh coloring is very much, “Hi, I died and I just popped out of my grave.” The triangle on the anterior of the nose and circling of the eye orbits with black paint further evokes a skull-like image. I like that Breyer did a darker themed horse this year after last year’s fun model with Scooby Doo-ish ghost faces. Bet you aren’t surprised that Scooby Doo is one of my favorite cartoons of all time. I haven’t kept up with any of the new incarnations of the cartoons over the decades, but I will always favor the original series. Zoinks! Jeepers! Meddling kids! Meddling ponies!

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