Wednesday, July 28, 2021

Breyerfest 2022, Old News, Post Breyerfest 2021, Old News


Okay, old news at this point as we know what next year’s theme is, but here’s the banner anyway:

We are about a week and a half post Breyerfest and the Seven Arts Surprise model remains a mystery. Breyer had stated they would begin shipping the BF models the week of July 26. All of my orders still show the status as unfulfilled, which is fine. In my favor, last week was so crazy and action packed that it sailed past quickly so I didn’t even have time to think about models. I received Fireheart on July 16, and I *still* haven’t opened him up. I wonder how long it will be before the first Seven Arts Surprise surfaces. I had thought that BF boxes would be on the move by Monday (the 26th), so we would start seeing models arriving at people’s homes around today (Wednesday). Some folks are reporting their orders showing an August delivery, which isn’t that outlandish as July is almost over. 

Oh, I did end up ordering a glossy Apollo del Solis. I had decided not to order anything else, and then I caved and bought one. At least I showed some restraint as I didn’t buy a matte one too, lol. All in all, I think Breyer did a good job with this year’s Breyerfest. Stuff in the Breyerfest Store didn’t sell out in two seconds, and the content is available until the end of the month. I really appreciate that as I was unable to watch any of it. I think it’s high time I watched some Breyerfest content before it goes buh-bye and open Fireheart. It’ll be like a fake Breyerfest model opening party. 

Thursday, July 22, 2021

Update with (GASP!!!) No Photos!


Hello, everyone!

I hope that all of you are doing well. I have been incredibly busy and unable to properly update as I have a bunch of stuff that needs to be completed by Sunday. After that, I am free! I can then blog properly, and just in time for the arrival of the Breyerfest models. Take care, dear readers, and I shall blog at you next week!

Sunday, July 18, 2021

Get Your Glossies-Last Day to Order Them!

I generally prefer matte finishes on my models, but sometimes you just have to go with gloss. I bought a glossy Josie in addition to a matte one because she looked so nice in gloss. I had intended to skip getting Apollo del Solis, mostly due to space issues. Seeing him in gloss is making me waver-and I just may have to get one after all. Today is the last day to order, so if you’re like me and still deciding, we better decide soon!  Here are the glossy versions of Josie, Apollo, and Rheverence+. Oh, and check out their boxes- the backgrounds are beautiful.



Apollo del Solis:

*All photos are from Breyer’s website*

VIP Box Arrival (No SR Models)


A Breyer box was left on the porch yesterday (expected delivery). Breyer is holding off on shipping all of the Special Run and Limited Edition models until next week, but they did ship the VIP stuff. The box contained Dani, the 4 pack Event Stablemates, and the VIP box. Starting off with Dani:

Dani is very nicely done, and I’m debating about keeping one (two others should be arriving with the rest of the models). I sold my True North after a few years, and I have to say that was one of the best painted Premier Club models I had ever received. The paint job is the reason I kept it for so long- this is a ‘meh mold’ for me. I don’t dislike it, but I don’t love it either. If I had the room, I probably would have kept True North. As of right now, the Dani debate shall rage while I try to decide if I should keep one.

Also in the Breyer box were the Event Stablemates. Here are the in-hand pictures of the models and their cute little bags.

Dada and bag:

Rococo and bag:

Nouveau and bag:

Avant-garde and bag:

Now onto the VIP swag box and it’s contents. The cylinder thing is lip balm with a sunscreen of 30, I think. I’m still disappointed that it wasn’t hay scented perfume, lol! There is one sheet of stickers and four pins. Everything else is visible as to what it is (i.e., visor, cup, etc.).

Close up of the stickers:

Close up of the pins:

Friday, July 16, 2021

New Stablemate Reveals!


Ha ha, seems like I will never get that other stuff up! We had a Stablemate reveal yesterday which really wasn’t a huge surprise as Breyer had shown us the silhouette on December 31, 2020 (the last day to sign up for the 2021 SMC). Remember this guy?

Many hobbyists instantly recognized this as Sharif, a resin by Brigitte Eberl. Of course, this Stablemate version is a mirror of the original. His SM debut color hasn’t been announced yet, but we have this:

Today we had a late afternoon reveal for a mini-Fireheart:

Very excited to see both of these new Stablemates as future regular runs. I hope that we don’t have to wait too long!

*All photos are from Breyer’s website*

Happy Breyerfest, Everyone!


From earlier today:

And then 15 seconds later:

And then, the first day of Breyerfest was in full swing! As soon as Breyerfest went live I popped Kaleidoscope into my cart and completed his purchase by 10:01 am (he was the only must have non backorder item I wanted). Then I went back to the Breyerfest store to shop a little more leisurely, and encountered the inability-to-add-items-to-the-cart glitch.  I was able to finally add the items I wanted, but was unable to add all of my SRs into the cart. I bought the swaggy stuff separately. Here’s what I got:

Geometric horse shopping bag thing:

Some stickers:

And in the apparel department, I bought the dress thing. I got an XL as I don’t know how Breyer’s clothing fits. Not sure if it runs on the small side, so I decided to get a larger size just in case. 

I then went back to get my SR choices paid for. I know we have until Sunday afternoon to make the purchases, but I decided to just get it done and over with today. Shock of shocks, I got all of my choices! My master list was:

1. Uffington

2. Seven Arts Surprise

3. Tassili 

4. Seven Arts Surprise

In addition, I added a glossy Josie and then tossed in a Best of Breyerfest Series 2 Stablemate set since I began liking a few horses in the set. I have a matte Josie coming with the VIP stuff, but I really liked the way Josie looks glossed. Speaking of VIP stuff, apparently the VIP swag stuff has been shipped, but not the models. It seems that all models, VIP or not, will be shipped around July 26th. The wait for the reveal of the Seven Arts Surprise shall continue! I kind of wish that Breyer would reveal the Seven Arts on Sunday evening once the purchase window for Breyerfest SRs closes. Yes, I am impatient…I want to know, lol. The VIP swag stuff:

It includes a visor, cup, sunglasses, stickers, a makeup bag looking thing, and some cylinder thing (to the right of the sunglasses and below the cup). I cannot make out what it is-perhaps roll-on deodorant to bring with you to next year’s Breyerfest? A perfume which smells of hay or fresh cut grass? Lol, my guesses are out there. I have boxes scheduled for delivery today and tomorrow from Breyer. Today should be Fireheart, and tomorrow should be the VIP swag box. I was so excited yesterday when I got a tracking number showing an 11 pound box arriving Saturday. Tricksy Breyer! Hahaha!

Oh, I failed to get up the posts I wanted to before Breyerfest as you all have undoubtedly noticed. I have a few unfinished drafts to work on.  Maybe I will combine them into a single Horse Blizzard post so there isn’t fifty-two separate posts to read. Hmmm…

*All photos are from Breyer’s website*

Saturday, July 10, 2021

The Unicorn Chronicles: Grape Soda and Purple Warmblood Unicorns


Love, love, love Faygo soda…whenever I go to Michigan I make sure I drink too much of it, lol.  No watered down flavors from Faygo! The grape soda reference belongs to the chase piece from Series Three of the Unicorn Crazy Surprise Blind Bags. This dark dappled darling is in a color not used before, and was nicknamed the ‘grape soda’ unicorn chase piece by some collectors:

The mane, tail, and legs are not black but a very dark brown. The dapples are a light purple instead of the usual white. This is a color Breyer needs to use again. I would love the Bubblebutt Belgian in this color, as well as the Shire Mare and the old Racehorse mold (#36). This SM mold has also made other appearances as a purple/sort of purple unicorn. She was included as part of a clearware unicorn set as a glittery purple unicorn:

She was also present in Series Two of the Unicorn Crazy Surprise Blind bags, as a dual toned lavender/turquoise unicorn:


Overall, she has appeared as a unicorn (in various colors) 10 times, and in realistic horse colors four times. Her latest release as a realistically painted horse will be in the 2021 Best of Breyerfest Stablemate set as Into the Woods. Here is the upcoming release:

Bet you didn’t know that if you grow Unicorn plants, you can pick your very own unicorns:

Of course, the seeds have a poor germination percentage, but if you are fortunate enough to get a Unicorn plant to grow, a unicorn bloom will emerge. Not all blooms produce a unicorn, but the chance is there.

*Clear purple/glitter unicorn photos from the Identify Your Breyer website*

*Series Two Unicorn Crazy Surprise unicorn photos from the Identify Your Breyer website*

*Into the Woods photo from Breyer’s website*