Saturday, July 10, 2021

The Unicorn Chronicles: Grape Soda and Purple Warmblood Unicorns


Love, love, love Faygo soda…whenever I go to Michigan I make sure I drink too much of it, lol.  No watered down flavors from Faygo! The grape soda reference belongs to the chase piece from Series Three of the Unicorn Crazy Surprise Blind Bags. This dark dappled darling is in a color not used before, and was nicknamed the ‘grape soda’ unicorn chase piece by some collectors:

The mane, tail, and legs are not black but a very dark brown. The dapples are a light purple instead of the usual white. This is a color Breyer needs to use again. I would love the Bubblebutt Belgian in this color, as well as the Shire Mare and the old Racehorse mold (#36). This SM mold has also made other appearances as a purple/sort of purple unicorn. She was included as part of a clearware unicorn set as a glittery purple unicorn:

She was also present in Series Two of the Unicorn Crazy Surprise Blind bags, as a dual toned lavender/turquoise unicorn:


Overall, she has appeared as a unicorn (in various colors) 10 times, and in realistic horse colors four times. Her latest release as a realistically painted horse will be in the 2021 Best of Breyerfest Stablemate set as Into the Woods. Here is the upcoming release:

Bet you didn’t know that if you grow Unicorn plants, you can pick your very own unicorns:

Of course, the seeds have a poor germination percentage, but if you are fortunate enough to get a Unicorn plant to grow, a unicorn bloom will emerge. Not all blooms produce a unicorn, but the chance is there.

*Clear purple/glitter unicorn photos from the Identify Your Breyer website*

*Series Two Unicorn Crazy Surprise unicorn photos from the Identify Your Breyer website*

*Into the Woods photo from Breyer’s website*

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