Tuesday, April 6, 2021

Stablemates Club Release and Sneak Peek Square


The second release of the 2021 SMC is Hendrik-a glossy chestnut with a flaxen mane and tail on the Django mold. I have ordered but haven’t received my Hendriks yet, but from Breyer’s photos his mane and tail look to be very pale yellow-like banana cream pie. I’ve seen a few in hand pictures, and some do look banana-y while others look more ivory. I hope that my Hendriks’ manes and tails aren’t so banana-y. If they are, that won’t stop me from liking the Hendriks. Breyer has already done a Berries Ponies Series, but they could also do a hand pie series of Stablemates. While berries are great in their own right, berry pies are a whole different category. I mean, it’s pie, y’all. And there is no need to stick to strictly fruit pies. This imaginary Scrumptious Series could include:

Strawberry pie-strawberry roan

Blueberry pie-blue roan

Buttermilk pie-buttermilk dun

Pecan pie-golden chestnut 

Mince pie-liver chestnut

Mud pie-nondescript brown

Breyer also showed us a new sneak peek square in their March newsletter, with promises that we will be seeing the full reveal sometime in April. I haven’t a clue who it may be, but I’m thinking it may be the Collector’s Club Classic Web Special offering. It may or may not be a gambler’s choice-it probably will be due to the popularity of it. Past Classic gambler’s choices have included Callahan, Nayati, Scotty, Calvin, and Lancelot. Couer de Lion was offered in a single color, but I would have loved to have seen him in other colors. Really fond of those Maureen Love TB molds-they are so refined and elegant. Back on topic now; here’s the sneak peek square:

Hopefully we won’t have to wait until the end of the month for the reveal! 

*Hendrik photos from the Breyer website*
*Banana cream pie photo from free stock images*
*Sneak Peek Square photo from Breyer’s CC March newsletter*

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