Monday, April 5, 2021

Breyer Down Under


A new Breyer special event centering around Australia, called True Blue, is scheduled to take place virtually May 21-22, 2021. Breyer figured they may as well do a virtual ‘overseas event’ since we will likely never see a Breyer event held outside of the United States. The True Blue event will be limited to 200 participants, who will be chosen via lottery as usual. Breyer has planned virtual farm tours, workshops with Australian artists, and of course the Breyer Boutique. It is limited to one purchase per Collector’s Club member. CC members may enter from April 2nd through April 6th. I don’t know if I am going to bother to enter, especially since I’ve never entered for an event before. Thing is, I’m not sure if I will fancy any of the special models offered for this event. For some of the past special events, there weren’t any models I would have purchased as they didn’t really interest me. On the flip side of that, other special events had multiple models I would have loved to purchase. The True Blue event models (a traditional and a Stablemate which are included with the ticket) are Bondi and Roo. Bondi is a glossy light dapple grey on the Valegro mold, while Roo looks to be a mulberry/rosy/whatever Breyer calls the color on the Mirado SM mold. 

Here is Bondi:

And here is Roo (nice Winnie the Pooh ripoff; fun fact, I am friends with someone related to the late Christopher Robin Milne, upon whom the character Christopher Robin was based).

I really like both of the event models, and I have a short time to enter before entries close. I may take the chance to enter, but with my current bad luck with Breyer lottery drawings, I don’t think I would be drawn, but who knows. What to do, what to do...or as Winnie the Pooh would say, “Think, think, think...”

*All True Blue photos are from Breyer’s website *

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