Thursday, April 8, 2021

Bonanza of Breyer Announcements

Wowza, Breyer went wild with announcements Monday! I checked my email late that evening to discover three emails with exciting Breyer news! Actually, it was more than three emails because one of the announcements came from various Breyer dealers. The announcements from the dealers were for Old Glory, Breyer’s Spring 2021 decorator.  Done on the Esprit mold, this clearware decorator is patterned after the U.S. flag, complete with Stars and Stripes:

I like him, and will see if I can get one. The next announcement was the second Test Run Model lottery of 2021. It is the saddlebred weanling mold, with a test color...which is supposed to look like a vintage paint job but not quite there. I think she’s cute, and the test color came out odd-not a bad thing for a test model. After all, that is the purpose a test model serves. The color idea isn’t terrible, it’s the execution of the paint job that is the issue. I get that the painter was going for the old Appaloosa Performance Horse look, but it didn’t quite work out. Take a look at the old APH:

His splatter dapple pattern fades into the rest of the coat. Now compare with the test run model:

That boundary line from the splatter dapple pattern into the grey smudge is weird looking. There are some of the sharpie dots from the back half of the weaning that travel onto the shoulders and front leg splatter dapples if you look closely, a clear mimic of the APH. This test model is priced at $850, down from the last test run model’s price of $1,100. The saddlebred weanling is petite, which may account for the lower price. Good luck to anyone who is entering for her!

And now the best for last. The second reveal of the Premier Club, Astrid:

I almost fell off my chair when I began reading the email. A fjord, and a mare to boot!  I had been wishing for a new fjord; while I think the old Henry mold is cute, it was high time Breyer popped out a new fjord mold. Breyer did not disappoint, and I love the color. PC members may choose a glossy or matte finish. I have chosen a matte finish as I am more of a matte girl, but I think she’d look stunning in gloss.  It would have been nice if Breyer had shown an actual picture of a glossy Astrid instead of this cartoony photo shop gloss.

Too bad she’s still some time away. I want her now! It is also going to be exciting to see what the last PC model will be for 2021, since I really like the first two. 

*Old Glory photo from Breyer released to dealers*
*Appaloosa Performance Horse photo from the Identify Your Breyer website*
*Saddlebred Weanling photos from Breyer’s website*
*Astrid photos from Breyer’s website*

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