Wednesday, January 20, 2021

Thoughts on the BF 2021 Theme and (shhhh!!! Secret!) Marwari Musings

 As most seasoned hobbyists are aware, Breyer tends to loosely follow the themes they choose for Breyerfest.  This year’s theme, Horse of a Different Color, features horses with unusual coat colors/patterns.  Breyer also took inspiration from horses in art, and non-horse art.  I still am not seeing the connection between Pollock’s The Greyed Rainbow and the wild rainbow Valegro (named Pollock).  Wild rainbow Pollock is definitely on my want list!  As Brenda of Model Horse Mania states in her blog (, a black splatter dapple would have been a better choice to tie Pollock’s painting and the model together.  A reader of Brenda’s, Miaow Minx, suggested that a chalky white paint job would have been a better representation for Uffington.  I completely agree, since the Uffington White Horse geoglyph is made of crushed limestone chalk.  Not that I dislike the cremello Uffington-in fact when Altynai was released I was hoping I wouldn’t have to wait eons for a cremello on the mold.  Wish granted!!!  Yay, yay, dance for a day!   I think that Seurat (on the Friesian Sporthorse mold) would have been a better fit for Leonardo da Vinci’s Gran Cavallo instead of the Peruvian Paso, but at the same time it’s really nice to see the Peruvian Paso mold get some love.  Knossos was, of course, taken directly from the Bull Leaping fresco, and I thought Breyer did a great job on Ansel drawing inspiration from Ansel Adams’ work.

Now onto the (shhhh!!! Secret) Marwari musings and ramblings...while I really love the (shhhh!!! Secret!) Marwari, I wish Breyer would have used Indian art as inspiration for an Indian breed. The horses depicted in the fantastic Neolithic art of Tassili n’Ajjer would have been better represented by a solid colored, more stretched-out-in-motion model like Cigar or Ruffian.  Speaking of stretched-out-in-motion models, I would love to see the Justify resin (sans rider and tack) added to the traditional scale models.  He’d be a sure shelf hog, but we already have some, so what’s another one? 

Back to our scheduled Marwari talk... My selfish self would prefer Tassili to have an Indian name like Rangeen (the translation means colorful) and sporting a black and white coat instead of a chestnut and white coat. Hmmm, I should probably read the first sentence I wrote for this

Overall, I am quite pleased with the Breyerfest 2021 lineup, and I think Breyer did a great job.  Lots of pretty ponies to look at!