Tuesday, April 2, 2024

April 2024 Odds n’ Ends


Originally, this post was to be published as Part 2 of the March Odds n’ Ends feature, but surprise, it didn’t make it. So now it is the April 2024 Odds n’ Ends feature, lol. First up, a gofundme initiated by Bernadette Phillips to purchase a memorial plaque for Andrea Gurdon, the Breyer History Diva, has reached its goal. This plaque was be placed in the Kentucky Horse Park, the home of Breyerfest to honor Andrea’s memory and her contribution to the model horse hobby. Instead of a plaque, a memorial bench is to be placed by the BF entrance gate at the KHP. The inscription is to read:

Andrea M. Gurdon
Breyer History Diva
Forever First in Line

 Thank you to all who helped make this possible!

Photo from tripadvisor.com

The March 2024 Collector Club newsletter hit inboxes in the last days of March and it is not terribly exciting. I miss the “My Collector Story” feature, which allowed hobbyists to share things about their collections and how collecting intertwined with their life. That segment was then to be expanded to what was called  “The Collector Club Showcase.” This was to give collectors a broader stage to share things about their models and the hobby, such as “Breyer fanart, photography, short stories, model horse show wins, collection photos, and whatever else your creative mind can come up with!” Since at least December 2021, the Collectors Club newsletter has only provided a feature story, a giveaway, and a sneak peek. Not to say those items are bad, I just wish there was more content in the newsletters. I for one truly miss Breyer’s “Just About Horses,” a former quarterly publication. Now we get *one* issue at the end of each year. I look forward to that yearly issue very much, but I am greedy for more! Moving on to the contents of this month’s newsletter, the feature story is a fully digitized issue of JAH from 1980:

The March giveaway model is RD Marciea Bey:

And last of all we have a Sneak Peek square, featuring a metallic-y gold and blue pattern:

I suppose this decorator is the next installment of the Exotic Destinations, and the shimmery gold and lapis bring the obvious guess to mind - ancient Egypt. Probably a wrong guess, but due to brain drain I’m not feeling particularly inquisitive. So we have to wait for the upcoming reveal.

BreyerWest took place during the weekend of March 15-17, 2024 in Denver, Colorado. It had model horse shows, meet and greets, Stablemate painting, raffles, workshops, etc. BreyerWest also had an exclusive Event Model limited to one per BreyerWest attendee. The model, HD Harkness, was a Breyerfest 2023 Store Special, and glossed specifically for BreyerWest. Glossy HD Harkness is a run of 250 pieces and is numbered the same as the Breyerfest release, with the addition of a capital G for glossy (# 711263G). The cost of the event model was $175 and includes a certificate of authenticity:

BreyerWest featured a display of the upcoming Breyerfest models, along with the latest Exotic Destinations model, Mumbai. In addition to all of those models, the Ambassador (aka Volunteer) model was revealed. The Ambassador/Volunteer model will have three different colors, two of which were revealed at BreyerWest and the third to be seen at Breyerfest. It is the Bluegrass Bandit mold, and she is named Worth It. This sabino mare has been shown in the medium and liver chestnut colors, and in July we shall see the third one. Here are the two revealed colors:


Hmmmmmm…oh yes. Since we were just talking about Event Models, let’s take a gander at the Event Models for Breyer’s 2024 Collector Club Event. This year’s event, dubbed Spokes and Spurs, is being held in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma from May 3-5, 2024. Tickets were available via lottery purchase, and the event, limited to 200 people, is sold out.

There are models exclusive to each event, and while we don’t know what those are yet, we do know what the Event Model and Stablemate are. The Event Model, a run of 200, is on the Bobby Jo/Working Cow Horse mold and depicts Wimpys Little Step, a stunning palomino:

The Event Stablemate is on the mini Clydesdale Stallion and is named Ned. Ned is a black sabino with white and blue bobs, and is a run of 200 as well:

I have to say that I really like these event models - I conga both of them! Arrrrrrggghhhh!!! I will simply have to admire them from afar, or wait it out until an opportunity arises for their potential purchase. Lol, yeah right, but who knows, this is one of those be-patient-and-wait scenarios. That is it for now, and hopefully I can get the next Odds n’ Ends installment up in a timely manner. 

*Photos of Breyer models and Spurs and Spokes logo are from Breyer’s website and social media.

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