Friday, January 21, 2022

Project Time: Operation Faux Zugspitze, Part 2


Recapping the last Project Time, we had our Theo covered in oven cleaner and bagged for approximately 24 hours. Unfortunately, I forgot to turn him over at the 12 hour mark, but it’s okay. I took him out and used a toothbrush to scrub at his paint. At first nothing happened, but then, paint began to come off. Yay! He needs to get more oven cleaner sprayed on him and bagged again, but since I knew I’d be really busy the next few days I opted to rinse him very thoroughly and let him sit out. I didn’t want him to sit in oven cleaner for more than 24 hours in case the cleaner would start to degrade the plastic, so I decided to play it safe. This is what he currently looks like:

Quite a ways to go yet, but I think I will get a stiffer toothbrush and the 2-gallon Ziploc bags to make it easier when it is sauna time for him. Stay tuned for the next installment!


  1. Oh! Poor Theo! Made to stand in disgrace, half stripped! LOL

    1. Haha, I felt pity for Theo and he is currently hiding out in one of the few rooms in my house that doesn’t have models in it (my husband’s weight room). This way Theo won’t be self conscious of his appearance in front of other models.
