Wednesday, January 12, 2022

Project Time: Operation Faux Zugspitze


Muhuhuhuhuhuhuhu, take a backseat, Dr. Frankenstein (see what I did—Stein?)!!! There’s a new mad doctor in town. Now, as I wasn’t drawn for Zugspitze, I need to make something like him. Kinda like how Victor Frankenstein made The Monster, I shall make… something, and hopefully it won’t be a monster, although the chances that it will be are fairly high. Here we have our victim, an unsuspecting Theo model just minding his business:

He shall be turned into a non-silver splatter dapple decorator, or at least that’s the plan:

I need to strip his original paint, so I am using the Walmart brand of the oven cleaner Easy Off as that’s what was in stock. I’ve never stripped an original finish model, so this is where the experimental part begins. First of all, I worked outside so that I wouldn’t be trapped indoors inhaling evil fumes. I got all of my stuff assembled:

Annnnnnnnd I ran into a problem before I even got started. I only had one gallon bags, which clearly are unable to accommodate Theo. I didn’t bother to pick up the 2 gallon bags at the store because I thought we had some laying around in the garage. Theo and the bag problem:

His feet are hanging out, and if placed in the bag feet first, his head is out. Being impatient and deciding that a trip to the store would waste too much time, I decided to double bag him. No matter which size bag I would have used, I don’t think that the paint will all come off on one go. I pulled my gloves on and generously sprayed the oven cleaner on him. I double bagged him and now he looks like this:

I then carefully placed him in a Breyer shipping box for stability and then placed him in a plastic bin. I will flip the shipping box over in about 12 hours so that his other side can soak in the pooled cleaner, and tomorrow morning I plan to rinse and scrub him to see how much (if any) paint comes off. Stayed tuned, more nonsense and shenanigans to come!


  1. Oh I hurt seeing you do that to him lol. Good luck CMing him!

  2. Strangely, I felt the same way but took the plunge. It is odd that that I felt a twinges of guilt before starting - it is plastic, after all. I am imagining what color to paint him, so that’s helping!

  3. I do that everytime I prime a model. It seems like you have to apologize to them lol.
