Wednesday, January 26, 2022

Breyerfest 2022 Plushie Sneak Peek Square


With a blog post titled “Sew Cool,” we all figured out the plushie is going to be the next reveal. We got a Sneak Peek Square of an embroidered patch with Prost and folksy flowers on it:

I think everyone will be disappointed if the plushie isn’t wearing lederhosen, but seeing the green background for the Prost patch means it may be lederhosen (although I believe lederhosen are traditionally brown). Interestingly Breyer states in the blog post, “Check back later this week on the Breyerfest Blog for the reveal!” Usually we see the reveal the next day, except for weekends of course, so we may or may not see the reveal today. There isn’t much left in the reveal department, other than the crystal model, and the LE Stablemates set, I think. Breyer needs to get everything shown before the VIP tickets are put on sale since VIPers have to make and pay for their selections in February (if we follow last year’s pattern). Now we wait to see if a lederhosen clad plushie becomes reality!

*Sneak Peek Prost Square is from Breyer’s website.*


  1. I'm REALLY hoping the stuffie is in lederhosen!!

    1. Me too! I don’t collect stuffies/plushies, but I love to see them! I almost bought the Halloween one (I think it was named Frankie), but decided not to. A pony in lederhosen may be the first!

  2. Doh! I forgot to write in the SM single…I was thinking about it, but was distracted and multitasking, then ended forgetting to put it in. Arrrrgh!!!

  3. I appreciate your comments! Things have been so busy lately, I am running behind on lots of things and forgetting things, so I view your comments as helpful. Today is shaping up to be another one of those whirlwind days, so my schedule will be very tight. Which means I have to get going, because the clock is not my friend today!
