The Christmas Morning Breyer Surprise: Spice Drop
The Croi mold went on a sweet adventure as this year’s Christmas Morning Surprise. Dubbed Spice Drop (#712396), she was available to Collectors Club members in four random color combinations:
-Purple with silver dappling
-Blue with silver dappling
-Green with gold dappling
-Red with gold dappling
While many collectors were leaning towards the Croi mold for this year (last year many guessed the Icelandic mold correctly), I’m pretty sure nobody guessed the Crois would be so… vivid. I admit the colors threw me a bit when I first saw them; the parade of multi-colored Crois with the silver and gold presents a busy image. Look closely and you’ll see they are clearware with the metallic-y dappling on top:
Breyer sure picked an entertaining name for her, lol. Spice drops are different from gumdrops in that they have spice flavors, not the fruitiness of gumdrops. The spice flavors are things like clove, anise, cinnamon, spearmint, licorice, etc. I think she looks more like a Gumdrop due to her vibrancy. Either way, Breyer made Willy Wonka proud. According to Breyer, there were a total of 2,025 pieces made, plus an additional twelve ‘Coal’ models for those on Breyer’s naughty list. Last year the twelve Coal models were not done on the Icelandic mold, but on a vintage mold which isn’t held in great favor by many collectors. I have to say that was well played by Breyer, lol. We were all expecting a glossy solid black Icelandic, so Coal on the Galiceno mold was quite the surprise. Last year’s Coal:
One can only guess what Coal will be for this year. It will be exciting to see what pops up; maybe it will be the Khemosabi mold? Or the Lady Roxana mold? I fully admit I am keen to see what mold was chosen for Coal. I’m probably the only person who finds this hilariously funny, lol! Ahem, shifting back to Spice Drop, she sold out just as fast as kids gobbling up their Christmas morning candy. She was gone within 12-13 minutes of going live. I think last year’s sold out in around 45 minutes, and I may have the exact sell out time wrong, but it was under one hour.
I think these Spice Drops need individual names, and remember, I am bad at thinking up names, so prepare yourselves for ultimate in lame names:
- Lava Spice (red with gold dappling)
- Ice Spice (blue with silver dappling)
- Spruce Spice (green with gold dappling)
- Allium Spice (purple with silver dappling and resembles a purple gumdrop)
Shifting gears again to another set of previously released Christmas themed ponies:
I was beyond fortunate to be able to get the Clydesdales, and even more fortunate that I was able to trade to get a complete set. Usually I have poor luck when it comes to trades; that’s not to say that I never get the opportunity to trade. Generally, by the time my stuff arrives, most of the trades have been arranged, leaving no one left for me to trade with. On occasion, I get lucky. The Clydesdales are one such lucky (and happy) occasion. Here are their close ups:
Gold Clydesdale:
Blue Clydesdale:
Silver Clydesdale:
Cranberry red Clydesdale:
Whew! What a parade of colors; truly a candy-coated Christmas from Breyer this year. For those celebrating, I wish you the Merriest of Christmases!
*Photos of Spice Drop are from Breyer’s website.*
*Photo of Coal (Galiceno) from the Identify Your Breyer website.*