Sunday, August 1, 2021

The Robusticity Bros


I checked my Breyerfest order status Wednesday and “August Delivery” had been added in the shipping section. Maybe tracking numbers are on the horizon! Maybe not, lol. Some hobbyists have been receiving their Breyerfest models, so things are slowly moving. Now that I have time to breathe I can think about model horses again. 

*Drumroll followed by a crashing of cymbals* I have finally opened Fireheart and set Theo free. As much as I adore the Georg mold, Fireheart was obviously more exciting since he’s a new mold. He is very beautifully painted and I am quite pleased with him. Fireheart has just snorted and stomped his way onto my favorite molds list. 

The box:


Close ups:

Random angles of Fireheart:

Love that flippity-flip tail! He does have that weird line on his mane, which apparently they all have. Not a big deal. Fireheart is, however the victim of thoracomoldosis (abnormal condition of the chest from the mold).  He, along with some of the newer molds, suffer from a ‘pinching in’ around the withers and shoulders which results in a narrowing of the chest. Here is a front shot of him; notice how wide his front hoof is in comparison to his chest! I wish Breyer would address this issue—with the technology available, it seems this should be resolved prior to production. He doesn’t look stout from the front, but does when viewed from the side. None of this detracts from his character to me. 

On to our friend Theo, who has finally been freed from his Breyer prison box. I’ve had him a couple of months, so it was time to turn him loose to join the conga. 

Close ups:

Random angles of Theo:

I love these two robust guys* and am looking forward to more releases on both molds. We are up to four attainable releases on the Georg mold, and of course with Fireheart being newly introduced there’s currently just Fireheart (I am excluding the BF auction model). I do see a lot of colors that would look spectacular on Fireheart and hope that Breyer releases him as a RR soon. Don’t forget Fireheart has been shrink-rayed down to Stablemate scale as well, so it would be cool to see him released as a regular run SM. It they do, it is time to stockpile those bodies! I am impatiently waiting for Georg to join the Stablemate scale. 

Here are the two robust bros together:

*We are just going to pretend that the front view of  Fireheart doesn’t look the way it does. 

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