Tuesday, August 31, 2021

Breyerfest Loot Arrived, Other News


All of my stuff finally arrived on Wednesday of the week before last. I’ve been behind on the blog due to multiple things happening, the most notable being this:

I just bought a farm. That is where my attention and energy has been focused for the last few weeks, along with some other non-model stuff. I have been trying to get this post onto the blog what feels like forever. Enough of that, let’s move onto the Breyerfest Loot!

I had two All-Access tickets as you probably recall, and had put the shhh!!! Secret Marwari, Uffington, and two Seven Arts Surprises on my master preference list (or whatever it was called).  I was fortunate to get the models I wanted. I got the shhh!!! Secret Marwari instead of the toupee Tassili, so that right there made me not care about whatever else I got. I adore the dark grey holographic Uffington, but I really like regular Uffington so no disappointment receiving the regular one. As for the Seven Arts Surprise, it’s the Dundee/Australian Stock Horse mold, which I don’t conga. I was hoping Destado would be the surprise mold, but he ended up being used for the volunteer model. The volunteer model is named Thornycroft, and is a liver chestnut rabicano. Seven Thornycrofts were glossed for the volunteer managers, and Breyer stated that the total number of Thornycrofts will be released later in the year. Here’s a photo of Thornycroft: 


Oops, got a bit sidetracked with the Destado mold there. Anyway, I opened the Seven Arts Surprises and received two of the same color:

Yep, two matte rainbow decorators. Take a gander at the perfect pearly peachiness of Uffington:

More peachy perfection:

The shhh!!! Secret Marwari is a beautiful coppery color which is highlighted by the gloss:

Mine looks like he’s wearing black lipstick, ahahahahaha!!! I find this quite amusing, as it looks like my black lipstick. I haven’t worn it in quite awhile, though. Here is the shade Sleepwalker, by Black Moon Cosmetics:

See what I mean? Hilarious! I just wish the right side of his mouth had darker lipstick, lol. And yes, I am easy to amuse.

I also ended up buying the Best of Breyerfest Stablemates set. Originally I wanted only one from the set, but a couple of the others started to grow on me, so I impulse purchased it.

Next up are the two Kaleidoscopes. I wanted to order a couple more, but I decided against it so other people would have the opportunity to purchase Kaleidoscopes. I don’t think they ended up selling out Breyerfest weekend, but I’m content with the two I got. They are oh-so-pretty!

Here are the color wheel of the Horse of a Different Color models, minus the Surprise rainbows as I haven’t unwrapped them completely. They are still wearing their bubble wrap head and tail wraps.

The rest of the stuff I bought includes a tote bag, jersey dress, and stickers, I think. I just tossed those items back in their box since they’re not as exciting as models. I’ll pull them out at a later date. 

*Thornycroft photo from Breyer’s website*


  1. Congrats on your new farm! I'd love to hear more about it and what you plan to do with the land.

  2. Thank you so much! The land has been farmed for years, and as far as I know nobody has ever lived on it nor has there ever been any structure built on it. I feel fortunate that it isn’t raw land, otherwise I’d have to clear out brush, trees, cactus, etc. to have usable space. Next step is to study the land— specifically the sun’s path across it and how the perimeter trees’ shadows fall. I have an idea simply due to directions, but I’d rather see it than guess since I plan to put up solar panels.
