Tuesday, June 22, 2021

The Unicorn Chronicles: The Rainbow Connection


Someday we’ll find it, the rainbow connection, the lov———actually, you can find it on a shelf at Walmart. In a Breyer box, to be exact. This particular rainbow is Rainbow, a purple unicorn on the Classic Mason/American Saddlebred mold. There may be some confusion as there is a different model that has the same designation. That Rainbow is from the 2011 Weathergirl Treasure Hunt, and consisted of three different prize models offered for the completion of the hunt (the models were sent out randomly). The Treasure Hunt Rainbow was either a matte or glossy golden blanket pintaloosa, or a translucent rainbow Weather Girl. Guess which one was the most coveted?

Ding ding ding, you guessed correctly! The rainbow Rainbow Weathergirl was the one most hoped for. 

I was in that hoping-for-a-rainbow-Rainbow crowd too, and I received the matte pintaloosa. Don’t get me wrong, she’s very pretty, but a translucent rainbow Rainbow would have been awesome. Let us now return to the subject of unicorns, and to the matter of a unicorn named Rainbow. Here we go:

Here is a photo of him out of the box, but still attached to the package insert:

Rainbow is accompanied by a small sticker sheet, and a hang tag:

Notice the colors of Rainbow’s mane and tail. They are not typical bright rainbow colors, but a pastel mix of purple, blue, barely visible green, yellow, and peach. Oh, and generously covered with glitter. I can do without the glitter (on all models), but I quite like the colors chosen for the mane and tail. 

The back of Rainbow the Magical Unicorn’s box:

And we need to put in the blooper reel. Here is Rainbow being swept over by wind gusts:

Never fear, he was caught by my magical Breyer reflexes so he didn’t plummet off of the grill and onto the cement. Here is one last rainbow photo, taken in my side view mirror (at a really long light) a few years ago:

Be on the lookout for rainbows, it’s the season for them. I’ve already seen a few this year. 

*Photo from The Muppet Movie (1979)*

*Rainbow Weathergirl photo from Identify Your Breyer*

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