Friday, April 30, 2021

Collectors Club Newsletter April Edition: Another Sneak Peek Square and Other Stuff


The April edition of the Collectors Club popped into my email yesterday afternoon and it has a Sneak Peek Square in it. It’s clearly for the next Bird of a Feather series, as they used a birdy pun plus a chick emoji. The pun goes as follows: “If it’s not too much of a birden, we have a little sneak peek of an upcoming model for you!” This means I best get the still shot from The Birds ready to roll again, lol. The sneak peek is a dapple grey something.

Other items in the newsletter include the My Collector Story, a reminder that the Premier Club’s first release of 2021 happens in May, the Feature Story discussing Breyer packaging, and the giveaway model. The giveaway model in this newsletter is Bisbee, a 2019 Limited Edition on the Forever Saige/Mustang Mare mold. She is painted to mimic turquoise with copper veining running through it. What a (semiprecious) gem she is! I have one so I won’t be entering, but good luck to those who are!

Warning: Rant ahead. Escape now while you still can! If you choose not to read the rant, skip down to the section below the Bernadette photos. Otherwise, read on.

Now I must comment on the Feature Story which focuses on the short lived 1960s touchability boxes and the 2019 Vintage Club Shire Mare Bernadette. Breyer packaged the Bernadettes in touchability boxes to be all vintage-y. The Bernadettes were the Gambler’s Choice that year, meaning they were available in the four vintage decorator colors: Florentine, Gold Charm, Copenhagen, and Wedgewood. Cool idea, except for one issue-the Wedgewood is the only matte finish of the four, and Breyer squeezed the Bernadettes into the white shipping boxes. Squeezed in without putting a sheet of bubble wrap over the exposed side of the models to protect them from the shipping boxes. The glossy finishes did a good job helping to protect the paint, but many of the Wedgewoods weren’t so fortunate. The shipping boxes had rubbed the unprotected barrels. I tend to get my models later than other people do, even when I order them as soon as they are available. By the time my Bernadette showed up, wearing Wedgewood and rubbed, I was too afraid to send her back for an exchange as there was no guarantee I would get another one. There was a strong chance I would get a refund instead of a new Bernadette due to the number of exchanges. I decided I would rather have a rubbed Wedgewood Bernadette than no Bernadette at all, especially since she’s one of my favorite molds. Funnily enough, the newsletter’s Feature Article cites damage to the models as one of the main reasons the touchability boxes were discontinued...but they didn’t bother to protect Bernadette?! Here are photos of my beautiful Bernadette-even with the barrel rub, I still love her:

I did find the article interesting and informative, but have to mention an interesting practice I remember. After the touchability boxes came the hat box packaging, with a color photo of the model on the box for consumers to see what the model looked like. Last century (1970s) our local Woolworth’s Five and Dime carried a small selection of Breyers. However, the Breyers were removed from the hat boxes, had a price tag slapped on them, and were lined up on a shelf along with random knickknacks. I remember seeing the Clydesdale Stallion, Man O’War, Yellow Mount, the palomino Family Arabian Stallion and Family Arabian Foal. For some odd reason, the Family Arabian Mare was never there. I was always on the lookout for her to complete my family Arabians. Imagine the palomino FAM being so elusive-hahahaha! She was only in production for 6,000 years. I assume the store decided that the boxes took up too much room; the shelves in that store had no room to spare. Every inch was crammed with something, making it hazardous to take an item off the shelf without knocking other items over. In fact, it was a ‘do not touch it unless you are buying it’ situation as you’d never get the item back on the shelf without knocking stuff down, lol. I suppose the store simply discarded the boxes, along with the Collectors Manuals (as the in-box catalogs were once called). I cannot imagine people tossing those catalogs, but that’s just me. I LOVED those catalogs, and was so excited to get new ones. They were almost treasured as much as the models themselves!

Thursday, April 29, 2021

Best Customs Contest Stablemate Reveal!


Lol, still behind and still trying to get caught here. A few days behind, but the Breyerfest Blog gave another black and white Sneak Peek Square.

This Sneak Peek Square was revealed as Blanca, the Stablemate prize for the second and third place winners in the Best Customs Contest. Blanca is on the SM Cantering Morgan/Charleston mold as a black pinto. Blanco’s pinto pattern is the same as Charleston’s, differing only in color. Charleston debuted in 2019 as the Premier Club bonus Stablemate in bay pinto. I actually like him better as a black pinto. 

Here is Blanco alongside Noir, the Best Customs Contest Grand Prize:

I love the two of them together!

*Photos of Blanco and Blanco with Noir are from Breyer’s website*

Wednesday, April 28, 2021

Slyder Sliding Through!


The Sneak Peek Square featured in the Collector Club Newsletter has been revealed. Many guessed it was the Classic/Freedom Series Gambler’s Choice on the Hollywood Dun It mold. The Model Horse Super Sleuths were correct! 

Meet Slyder, available in three glorious glossies for the Gambler’s Choice!  The colors are:

-Shaded flaxen liver chestnut splash pinto

-Shaded dark dapple grey with a pearly mane and tail

-Shaded sooty buckskin blanket appaloosa  

I really want the grey one and hope to acquire one of each. Here are the three of them together:

And as is the pattern with CC runs, these guys sold out rather quickly. No word at the moment if any more will be offered or if the Slyders are definitely sold out. Hopefully Breyer will release more for those who missed him.

*Photos taken from Breyer’s website*

Tuesday, April 27, 2021

Noir: Breyerfest 2021 Best Customs Contest Grand Prize Model


Breyer gave us a sneak peek square of  black with white, which was revealed to be Noir, a black sabino pinto on the Emerson/Standing Thoroughbred mold. 

Noir was inspired by the filmmaking genre of Film Noir (French, dark film). Shot in black and white, film noir used light and dark elements to emphasize purposeful contrast, and plots often revolved around crime drama. Film noir popularity spans from the 1930s-1950s, although some prefer to classify the 1930s as pre-noir. The 1940s-1950s is considered the heyday of film noir, and films after 1959 are considered neo-noir. One of the best known films of this genre is The Maltese Falcon (1941), based on the novel written by Dashiell Hammett. Notice the fuzzy horse picture above the mantle in the background, because HORSE. 

Noir models will be awarded to the five winners of the Best Customs Contest; the deadline to submit entries is June 11, 2021. Good luck to all who are entering! 

*Noir photos taken from Breyer’s website*
*Movie stills are from The Maltese Falcon (1941)*

Breyerfest 2021 Plush Reveal


Breyer gave a sneak peek square earlier this month of a painter’s palette:

The reveal gave us Pal’s Palette, inspired by Breyer’s character Pal O’ Mine. This plush will be available as a Limited Edition of 2,500 pieces. He will not be available for backorder like other Limited Editions will be this Breyerfest.

*Photos taken from Breyer’s website*

Monday, April 26, 2021

Today’s Special: Pasta Legs and Salad


I was eating a salad so I tossed (tossed salad, lol!) it into the title to accompany the pasta. One of the funny but not so funny things about models are warped legs. Certainly irritating when your model won’t stand and you have to assume the role of plastic surgeon (see what I did there?) to get your wobbly or flat out unable to stand model ready for display. I have a Fantasia Del C who won’t stand, and I have yet to work on her. I bought her for customizing, but no progress has been made, including getting her to stand independently. I’ve had her for a few years now. Maybe this will be the year I work on her, after I find her, lol. 

As for those models that can stand with warped legs, they usually look ridiculous, but I (of course) find it to be humorous.  Take this Albycorn SM (who stands fine) from Walmart. The bend in his right hind leg is all noodle-y. 

Now take a look at this green Magnolia unicorn-she has an extra helping of pasta legs, but hey, she’s able to stand independently with no issues.

Magnolia with pasta legs:

Normal Magnolia with non-pasta legs:

Both of the green Magnolias together:

All of this pasta talk is making me want pasta, specifically Chicken Alfredo, soft breadsticks, and more salad...

Picture This: Notoriously Framed


The winner of Breyer’s “Picture This” contest is Latigo! Those who attended Breyerfest 2020 had the opportunity to vote on which of four models looked the best as a shaded silver bay frame overo. The four model choices were Carrick, Adios, Zippo Pine Bar, and Latigo. Here are pictures of everyone decked out as a silver bay frame overo: 

 Latigo won with almost 50% of the votes. I was surprised by the percentage of votes that went to Latigo-he has quite the fan base it seems. Breyer has two versions of Notoriously Framed Latigo which will be blind shipped. One version will have a long tail and a short mane, and the other version will have a short tail with a long mane. To my eyes, there isn’t much of a difference between the manes. Oh sure, one is slightly longer, but that’s not my interpretation of a ‘long mane.’ If you’re going to do a long mane, do a long flowing Moody Mane.  As I don’t conga any of those molds, I didn’t vote or purchase one. If I had voted, I would have gone with Adios. Not surprisingly, Notoriously Framed sold out quickly and was available to Collector’s Club members to purchase.

The short maned/long tailed Notoriously Framed:

The long maned/short tail Notoriously Framed:

*Notoriously Framed photos from Breyer’s website*
*Photos of the four candidates for the Picture This contest from Identify Your Breyer website *

Um Yeah About That...


Annnd here I am behind again on my blog...stuff has been going on, y’all. We have just lost a third family member to Covid-19, and my youngest brother was hospitalized last week due to Covid. He’s doing slightly better but isn’t out of the woods yet.  

So in a nutshell I have been distracted and am behind AGAIN in everything. I am attempting to get caught up...I know, I know, total deja vu...

Moving on with yard news. I’m not treating the backyard for weeds this year either, and surprise of surprises it’s full of weeds, lol. I have some dandelions and these pretty pink creeper flowers:

I’ll have to go and rip out as many as many of the big ugly weeds as I can this week. I found two ladybugs in the yard yesterday, the first ones of the season. Here is one of them:

I’d better start getting stuff posted onto the blog now...

Friday, April 16, 2021

Hailstorm and Meet Measure!


Having another week of insanity here...again, I am behind on posting...moving on to an unscheduled (but hopefully amusing) blog post...

Hail the Hailstorm! Actually, no hailing of the hailstorm. We had a severe thunderstorm move through late yesterday afternoon. It started out just like you’d expect-drizzling all day with no significant rainfall. About 4:15 pm it got dark-dark enough that the street lamps popped on. I looked at the weather app and there was a severe thunderstorm warning, with high winds, hail, and possible isolated tornados. Typical spring weather...then an alert came through about damaging hail. Large, evil hail plummeting from the sky to get you. Get your pets in, get your vehicles in, get yourself in-the hail’s a-coming so find shelter. In the first few seconds of the storm the hail was marble size. Then it was mixed with golf ball size hail. The sound from the hail battering the roof was astonishing. There was frequent lightening, so I didn’t run out immediately after the hail stopped. When it was safe, I scurried out to collect some of the hailstones. They were kinda melty, but they were still a good size. The hailstones from this storm left 3 inch (7.62 cm) deep craters in my raised garden bed. There was a lot of damage in the area, especially to vehicles. Plenty of cracked/shattered windshields, and dents. Some houses had roof damage. Take a gander at my hailstone collection:

And now, meet Measure! I like to use this G3 Standing Thoroughbred StableMate as an unofficial ruler (since I find it hilarious). And yes, that is the word measure written in Sharpie. Model horse people will instantly understand the size of an object when Measure is next to something. In this case, I had Measure measure the hailstones:

Measure will be featured in an upcoming post, so this isn’t the last we will see of our pseudo ruler!

Thursday, April 8, 2021

Bonanza of Breyer Announcements

Wowza, Breyer went wild with announcements Monday! I checked my email late that evening to discover three emails with exciting Breyer news! Actually, it was more than three emails because one of the announcements came from various Breyer dealers. The announcements from the dealers were for Old Glory, Breyer’s Spring 2021 decorator.  Done on the Esprit mold, this clearware decorator is patterned after the U.S. flag, complete with Stars and Stripes:

I like him, and will see if I can get one. The next announcement was the second Test Run Model lottery of 2021. It is the saddlebred weanling mold, with a test color...which is supposed to look like a vintage paint job but not quite there. I think she’s cute, and the test color came out odd-not a bad thing for a test model. After all, that is the purpose a test model serves. The color idea isn’t terrible, it’s the execution of the paint job that is the issue. I get that the painter was going for the old Appaloosa Performance Horse look, but it didn’t quite work out. Take a look at the old APH:

His splatter dapple pattern fades into the rest of the coat. Now compare with the test run model:

That boundary line from the splatter dapple pattern into the grey smudge is weird looking. There are some of the sharpie dots from the back half of the weaning that travel onto the shoulders and front leg splatter dapples if you look closely, a clear mimic of the APH. This test model is priced at $850, down from the last test run model’s price of $1,100. The saddlebred weanling is petite, which may account for the lower price. Good luck to anyone who is entering for her!

And now the best for last. The second reveal of the Premier Club, Astrid:

I almost fell off my chair when I began reading the email. A fjord, and a mare to boot!  I had been wishing for a new fjord; while I think the old Henry mold is cute, it was high time Breyer popped out a new fjord mold. Breyer did not disappoint, and I love the color. PC members may choose a glossy or matte finish. I have chosen a matte finish as I am more of a matte girl, but I think she’d look stunning in gloss.  It would have been nice if Breyer had shown an actual picture of a glossy Astrid instead of this cartoony photo shop gloss.

Too bad she’s still some time away. I want her now! It is also going to be exciting to see what the last PC model will be for 2021, since I really like the first two. 

*Old Glory photo from Breyer released to dealers*
*Appaloosa Performance Horse photo from the Identify Your Breyer website*
*Saddlebred Weanling photos from Breyer’s website*
*Astrid photos from Breyer’s website*