Sunday, March 7, 2021

Test Run Jeans and Lafayette Woes

Okay, test run jeans sounds much more amusing than Denim. At least to me, anyway. The first Test Model of 2021 is a beautiful glossy light denim blue Lady Phase. She has a pattern of warp and weft threads to mimic the weave of fabric. This Lady Phase was the test run for Twill, a 2013 Breyerfest Special Run. Twill differs from Denim in that she is a pinto, has white facial and leg markings, and isn’t glossy. The thread pattern on Twill was retained from the test run model. Denim will be sold via lottery draw, and is priced at $1,100. This is the highest of any test run offered so far. Breyer had initially priced the test runs at $800, and the prices began to increase. I wish Breyer had kept the test pieces in the $800 range to keep them affordable for more collectors. The higher prices have cut many out of the chance to purchase a Breyer test run.

Here is Twill, the 2013 Breyerfest Special Run for comparison:

Personally, I prefer the test model over Twill. Maybe Breyer was going for a ripped jeans look when they decided to add the white pinto markings to Twill? Presenting the latest fashion trend-Pinto Pants! Wear them to any Breyer Event!

If you have entered the lottery for Denim, good luck to you!

Moving on to the much anticipated CC Lafayette model...when Lafayette was finally available to members of the Collector’s Club, he was available in two batches. One was the in stock group, and the other was the backorder group for those who missed the in stock Lafayettes. Breyer allowed the option to backorder a Lafayette model which would be delivered in September 2021, and gave a generous time allotment for the ordering period (February 26-March 18), which I thought was fantastic. However, it seems that Breyer’s Wild Warehouse People began filling the orders randomly. Some people who had ordered Lafayette when he was in stock have been pushed to the September backorder group, and some people who had backordered Lafayette have received shipping notices with delivery dates for the model. The Wild Warehouse People have in recent weeks been mailing horses in bubble mailers, and shipping items from multi-item orders individually. 
Onward with more about Lafayette. The Breyer promotional pictures show Lafayette to be inky black with subtle silver dapples. Those who have received their Lafayettes have noted that he is not the inky black color-he is actually a dark gray, with varying degrees of the silver undercoat peering through. There seem to be variations in the darkness of the black topcoat, with some looking to be more of a smoky silver. I would have preferred the jet black myself, but I’m still loving the color on this guy. I should have mine next week, barring any disasters than may wreak havoc on the shipping route. 

*Test Run Denim photos from the Breyer website*
*BF SR Twill photos from Identify Your Breyer website*
*Pinto pants/ripped jeans from Pinterest*


  1. I’m guessing that since many are upset the Lafayette is gray instead of the black in the promo photos that when Reeves orders the second batch they’ll tell the factory to paint those black. So the hobbyists that are angry their early order has been switched to backordered may be pleasantly pleased when they get a black Lafayette in September.

  2. I hope an inky black Lafayette is produced for the second batch. I feel bad for those caught in the mix-up, and agree that it would be a pleasant surprise come September to get an actual black Lafayette.
