Monday, did you get here so quickly? The weekend simply ran away. Breyer Boot Camp concluded yesterday, and unfortunately I really wasn’t able to attend any of it. Saturday I popped into the Repositioning Your Stablemates’ Head workshop for a few minutes, and got to see Maggie Jenner-Bennett manipulating a portion of a horse skeleton to show how the bones are aligned in various head and neck positions. It was quite interesting. I also briefly dropped into Shauna McDaniel’s Put Wings and a Horn on It workshop, and saw the beginning stage of wing attachment. Never even got the chance to see anything from Melanie Miller’s Paint that Pinto workshop. I am happy that Breyer has recorded the workshops for later viewing, because I probably spent a grand total of 10 minutes at Breyer’s Boot Camp.
Now it’s time for the promised photos from a previous blog post. Interestingly, both the Pintos and Palominos SM set and the Chasing Rainbows Unicorns seem to have a lot debris on them. The palomino Darley from the P&P set had tiny white plastic shavings stuck on it, but they were easily removed. Both sets also had a lot of tiny lint fibers on the models, and the fibers brushed off problem free. I am curious as to why they were like this; I cannot recall ever getting linty models.
Here are the individual shots of the models in the Pintos and Palominos SM set, along with their color descriptions from the back of the box (I am putting the molds used).
Isabella Palomino on the G4 Quarter Horse mold:
Onto the Chasing Rainbows BB Unicorns, which have names but unpainted hooves. I didn’t get the chase or super chase pieces, which is fine. I would like to track down the rainbow Croi though.
Sunrise, a golden yellow on the SM Prince Charming mold:
Robin, who is green (um okay, not very Robin-ish) on the SM G3 Walking Arabian mold:
Sky, on the G5 Walking Thoroughbred mold (at least he’s blue):
Blush, another one on the Prince Charming mold and whose name matches their color:
Orchid, a pretty purple on the SM scale Croi:
And lastly we have orange Sunset, another color on the G3 Walking Arabian mold.
I do have to say that I quite like the deeper colors on these guys, but they feel quite cheaped out with their unpainted hooves and Sharpie dot eyes with some having what looks like smudged eyeliner (see Sunset and Sky). Strangely, these are the ones available from Breyer dealers and not Walmart. I would have expected the cheaped out ones to be sold at WM, since those are the ones that mostly end up in the hands of kids. And in parting, here is a group shot of the Chasing Rainbow unicorns:
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